From The Wilderness, Article Seventy
MAUNA LOA Newsreel By James Strauss There is quiet risk in geologic events, although such events are seldom able to be predicted ahead of time. There was little warning around the world when the earthquake that occurred along the seafloor just off of Indonesia...
B-17 Bomber
Go watch the movie about Jesse Owens running in the 1936 Olympics. It’s called “Race.” You will sit stunned. It was made long before the Trump thing happened. It’s downright eerie. The strange part is how they got the German Nazi part so down...
Arch Patton, It Was 1993, Chapter 3
Arch searched the house. The dog paid close attention, but never moved from his sitting position in the small great room, as if his view of the sandy beach and pounding surf beyond was not to be surrendered. There was nobody in the house.

Arch Patton, It Was 1993, Chapter 4
Arch slept deeply for the first time since the classified file had appeared out of nowhere to give him his life back but also to offer him death once again, in a life controlled by unaccountable serendipity. He awoke next to the woman who lay just like he’d left her many hours before, with Harpo the Dingo lying across her feet…..