From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Four
OUTRAGE Newsreel By James Strauss The message of today, floating through the political and toxic atmosphere of today’s communications ‘cloud’ is all about extremes. The extreme gets noticed while the more mundane, normal or regular stuff that life is really all...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Seven
THE MESSAGE Newsreel By James Strauss There is a constant drone that comes out from all media outlets, whether that’s radio, television or even most of the Internet. The one-way nature of that drone makes it impossible to comment, argue with or make a return...
The News Media, Good Bad or Just Plain Ugly?
How they handle the news. Being in the newspaper business at The Geneva Shore Report I am now much more aware of the ‘slant’ that mass media takes and how it seems to take it all together although, for the most part, I cannot see linkage demanding that….