THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XXI

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XXI

The Sheraton Hotel was located a little more than half a mile from the airport. It was a huge building about twenty stories tall with a great, although empty lobby at our late hour of arrival. Before departure while still near the gate awaiting the call for economy...
Final Sunday Evening, Santa Fe

Final Sunday Evening, Santa Fe

Evening was just about to come on when the sun burst forth and blasted the side of the La Fonda Hotel with brilliant light. The snow, the people, the sun, the buildings, all of it making things appear like there were a hundred or more years ago……

Santa Fe Going to the Dogs?

Santa Fe Going to the Dogs?

What is it about dogs and me in Santa Fe? Now here’s a dog that was laying down this morning and waiting for its owner to wake from street side sleep on San Francisco just across from the main Plaza