From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Nine

PEAK OIL Newsreel By James Strauss   The much-accepted nonsense published by the mass media, fed to that media by supposed experts and scientists of the time (the nineties and early two thousand) held for years that the world was fast depleting its supply of oil and...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty

From The Wilderness, Article Forty

REAL ENERGY PRODUCTIONS Newsreel By James Strauss   The rooftops are raised and lowered as the winds of the Saudi Arabian desert are blown hither and yon by the world’s mass media (make that mostly America’s).  The Middle East and oil and gas production is considered...
From The Wilderness, Article Six

From The Wilderness, Article Six

THE REAL STORY ABOUT THE WORLD’S OIL Newsreel By James Strauss   The world’s oil reserves are not what they are claimed to be, which should come as absolutely no surprise to almost anyone following international conflicts and politics around the world today.  But this...