Sleepless in Seattle, I Don’t Think So….
Dateline: Seattle Washington March 26, 2106 Seattle, Washington. The Bernie people are all over the downtown of Seattle, getting public hyped up to attend Bernie’s big presentation at Safeco Field tonight at seven. Washington is very much Bernie territory and...
Off to Seattle, March 2016
Journey to Seattle United Airlines. Up above some very republican state down below. Probably Wyoming, on the way to Seattle. Please don’t let me crash on Cheney’s ranch in Wyoming! United is United except for an exceptional crew today. The woman in front...
Night Flight, an Arch Patton Adventure
NIGHT FLIGHT Short Story By James Strauss The air above Africa is rarified. Volcanoes spew up from below to be reported for the first time by overflying airliners. Storms with horizontal lightening that will take any passengers breath away wedge in from all...
Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Audio Version
The Big Freeze didn’t affect this spider and housewife. Marauding bands of cowards should heed the word of ladies protecting their nests….