Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 16, 2018 The whales are back. For two nights the coastal waters grew silent, the songs and cries of the whales went to places where humans have no clue. The great unknown under the sea remains just that, for the most part. Look up...
Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii Aprile 12, 2018 The whales. They are dropping off the brats. I have worked out from the early morning calls and crying of the whales, between four a.m. and dawn, that the big pod of parents and relatives have some close-in pool not far from me...
Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 10, 2018 A whale. Just one single whale spume, flying up at 6:52 am about half a mile out or a little bit less. What does that mean? That means the whole whale thing is not the figment of my imagination. So, the adventure of the whales...
Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 9, 2018 Last night I was up late. I go to bed late and I get up early. What is that? Going all the way back to after I got home from Vietnam. Now, I’m not up looking for some enemy who can’t possibly be out in the night....
Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 7, 2018 Do whales cry at night, or sing, or whatever? I am a couple of miles from pods of passing whales, as they do in large numbers in this part of the world. A beaten rock shore sits right at the edge of my principal abode where I am...