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The Silent Killers Editorial, August 15, 2020 How many are we going to lose from the silent killers, not trotted out like the COVID mortality results? How many people are going to die because they had serious surgery and nobody came? Nobody could reach them? Nobody...
Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic Reflection #82 Dateline: Lake Geneva June 27, 2020 Saturday morning, coming down. Lake Geneva is filled with people. There are no masks in sight, except for my own. There is social distancing but it’s down to about...
Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic Reflection #81 Pay attention to what is instead of what things seem to be. The combined companies of Google and Apple, and then all the cell phone makers, forged an agreement to put a latent entry on everyone’s cell...
Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic, Reflection #80 June 22, 2020 Hawaii, and why the island of Oahu is important to you, even though you are not there. Hawaii held a prominent position in the Chicago Tribune newspaper this morning. The Tribune’s...
Journaling the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic, Reflection #79 June 20, 2020 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” That’s not a quote from the Constitution. It’s from the Declaration of...