Befuddlement…… That single word best describes the New York hot shot deal-making professionals who came out of the Manhattan sticks to go to war with the Washington D.C. elites and Virginia beltway bandits. They designed a grand adventure. The money was...
Is This Land Your Land…….
Dateline: Lake Geneva June 28, 2017 THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND This is not an article about choosing the right to die, or anything to do with that issue. No, this article is all about some people hastening other people’s death, without their permission, by deliberately...
Pouting. The president is pouting. Over how many people did or did not attend his inauguration. He’s stated unequivocally now that he is not going to release his taxes as he’d promised. That was this morning, between pouts. This nation is about to be...
Finally, in the Chicago Tribune editorial section, an editorial was featured that has most of us former agents and White House workers cringing. The public does not understand. It isn’t Donald Trump’s tweeting