From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Six
GREAT POLITICAL FINALE Newsreel By James Strauss The truly great news that will occur sometime on Tuesday of this week will be apparent to absolutely everyone who listens to a radio, watches television or spends time streaming on the Internet. Regardless of winners...From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Five
THE ELASTIC EFFECT Newsreel By James Strauss Going back in time to the earlier great authors of science fiction, many of them presumed to write about insurrections of earth humans on other planets; those fictional humans living under the enslavement of aliens or...WAKE UP AND SMILE, Rid Yourself of Fear
Fear abides, and lays there waiting in all human beings. If you wake up in the morning with faint feelings of unrest and nervousness over nothing at all that you can put your mental finger on, then be aware that you are joined that feeling this morning by most of the rest of humanity..