From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety-Eight

WE’LL TAKE ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING Newsreel By James Strauss   I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the mass media and why the entirety of the near united but not tied and bound outlets is reporting what it has got to have as a motivational factor.  Waiting for some...
From the Wilderness, Article Ninety-Four

From the Wilderness, Article Ninety-Four

IT’S DA BALLOON BOSS, DA BALLOON! Newsreel By James Strauss   Just how accidentally dumb is the American public, and how deliberately dumb the mass media?  Well, try the biggest balloon story occupying national attention since the ‘Balloon Boy’ story created back in...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Four

WHAT’S NOT COVERED Newsreel By James Strauss   As the news business expresses itself, day after day and night after night, it becomes revealing about what the media in general, both print and televised (as well as video, radio, podcasts and social media) don’t bother...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Four

OUTRAGE Newsreel By James Strauss   The message of today, floating through the political and toxic atmosphere of today’s communications ‘cloud’ is all about extremes.  The extreme gets noticed while the more mundane, normal or regular stuff that life is really all...


Scum. How is America ever going back from scum owning the mass media. Absolutely lousy American companies like Disney, that used to be terrific companies, now owned by the most awful of people who don’t give a damn about the country or its people……