FROM THE WILDERNESS Ukraine War Newsreel The war moves slowly on toward its coming conclusion. China meets with Putin, not to confirm that they support one another, as that’s already a given and has been so for some time. China meets with Putin to figure out what...
THE QUIETUDE IN THE WINTER OF 2023 Newsreel By James Strauss A great prevailing and little broken quietude has taken over the world. The war in Ukraine goes on but, in a snow, and ice muted form, with Putin still threatening to blow up the world and Zelensky keeping...
THE QUIETUDE IN THE WINTER OF 2023 Newsreel By James Strauss A great prevailing and little broken silence has taken over the world. The war in Ukraine goes on but, in a snow, and ice muted form, with Putin still threatening to blow up the world and Zelensky keeping...
UKRAINE Newsreel by James Strauss The Ukraine foreign minister signaled yesterday that the Ukrainians, following the recent visit by Zelensky to Washington, are now ready to have a peace conference in February with Russia, supposedly to be chaired or moderated by...
UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss Zelensky has come to the United States and will make his appearance at the White House on this day, the shortest day and longest night of the year. How fitting this meeting is, what with a blizzard bearing down, the tilt of the...