There are no more ‘facts’ left to report, not if you read the Drudge Report or watch Fox News. They say whatever they want now, with complete impunity.

White Death
The “Goring” of Hillary Clinton. That’s exactly what the republican owned Mainstream Media is doing. They are doing to her, damning by faint praise, exactly what they did to give the nation eight years of George Bush Junior, creating the single...
The blithering drooling and vapid delivery of American television pounds most of us into some sort of lumpy grumpy submission. News bastions from Fox, to CNN and on into MSNBC and the networks bombard us with solid right hooks from Trump and dancing jabs from Clinton until we all feel like either battered survivors

The News Media, Good Bad or Just Plain Ugly?
How they handle the news. Being in the newspaper business at The Geneva Shore Report I am now much more aware of the ‘slant’ that mass media takes and how it seems to take it all together although, for the most part, I cannot see linkage demanding that….