I did a short video on a Donald Trump display set up just north of town here in Lake Geneva. I did not say it was a bad thing. They put up a paper mache effigy of Hillary in prison attire however, and some nasty stuff about her under it. I reflected in my voiceover...
An Offense Against Man

An Offense Against Man

The offense against man. Not just women. What Donald Trump has demonstrated and had revealed is a sub-culture of sociobiological behavior out of control and out of revelation……

Supreme Ignorance

Supreme Ignorance

The politics of self-defeat in ignorance. That’s the policy of the republican Congress right now, with respect to the Supreme Court. Everything going before the current court, split down the middle by political belief 4 to 4, is coming back as a tie…..

Looking for Belly Button Lint

Looking for Belly Button Lint

The presidency of Hilary Clinton will be initiated and confirmed in November to start in January of next year. That she will be president is not in question. How she came to be selected to be president is something else again. There can be little question now that she...

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