OBAMA FINISHES, Like A Shrinking Drying Puddle.
The big debate is coming up with Clinton and Trump. At this time the right wing whacked mass media, as right wing as Trump himself and maybe just as suicidal, has Trump leading in all polls or very close.

It was interesting to listen to so many people interviewed this morning on ABC about why they support Donald Trump. Some are irrational to a great extent, like the woman who’s selling Confederate flags with Trumps name on them, even though Trump has disavowed...
The blithering drooling and vapid delivery of American television pounds most of us into some sort of lumpy grumpy submission. News bastions from Fox, to CNN and on into MSNBC and the networks bombard us with solid right hooks from Trump and dancing jabs from Clinton until we all feel like either battered survivors

The News Media, Good Bad or Just Plain Ugly?
How they handle the news. Being in the newspaper business at The Geneva Shore Report I am now much more aware of the ‘slant’ that mass media takes and how it seems to take it all together although, for the most part, I cannot see linkage demanding that….