Differential behavior when combined with verbal and written communication. The complexity of trying to arrive at conclusions about other people when limited to talk, or the written word, or even in seething them out in life, all prepared to be seen. What about under the thin layers we lay over the reality of our lives?
I WILL NOT! I will not drop friends on Facebook or visitors to my websites because they support Donald Trump or say shitty things about Hillary Clinton. I just won’t do it. Without differences what a helluva boring world it would be and what a pit of dead creativity.
The blithering drooling and vapid delivery of American television pounds most of us into some sort of lumpy grumpy submission. News bastions from Fox, to CNN and on into MSNBC and the networks bombard us with solid right hooks from Trump and dancing jabs from Clinton until we all feel like either battered survivors
There will be no getting together. Of all social fears that exist on the planet, for cultural leaders, people getting together is their greatest fear. Today, with the advent of such magnificent electronic media inventions…..