Looking for Belly Button Lint

Looking for Belly Button Lint

The presidency of Hilary Clinton will be initiated and confirmed in November to start in January of next year. That she will be president is not in question. How she came to be selected to be president is something else again. There can be little question now that she...
The Human Political Condition

The Human Political Condition

What a shock! Donald Trump is not what he claims in another area, as some old tax documents are revealed. Yes, he’s awful, idiotic and even mentally damaged, but do not ever forget one thing that has been revealed by his successful candidacy and his potential to...
The Sadness of The Drudge Report

The Sadness of The Drudge Report

Drudge Report I have been reading the Internet Drudge Report to see what it has up on it these days, in the times of Donald Trump. I could not believe what I was reading! Fox? Nothing. Go to Drudge and be blown from any rationality to a place far far away. Donald...


I WILL NOT! I will not drop friends on Facebook or visitors to my websites because they support Donald Trump or say shitty things about Hillary Clinton. I just won’t do it. Without differences what a helluva boring world it would be and what a pit of dead creativity.



And the mass media rush to rid the country of being a country continues. The wealthy owners of these media outlets report on how the big national defense ‘whatever the hell that was’ event where Clinton and Trump spoke, was all about how both of them made...