From The Wilderness, Article Ninety

From The Wilderness, Article Ninety

UKRAINE Newsreel By James Strauss   The war in Ukraine grinds on, ever deeper into a cold hard winter, as predicted earlier in these newsreels.  Zelensky came to the United States to attempt to sell his case for continued support, while under cover of secrecy he was...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Eighty-Six

UKRAINE Newsreel by James Strauss   The Ukraine foreign minister signaled yesterday that the Ukrainians, following the recent visit by Zelensky to Washington, are now ready to have a peace conference in February with Russia, supposedly to be chaired or moderated by...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Four

THE SLOW UKRAINIAN CONVERSION Newsreel by James Strauss   The grinding cold winter and the even more grinding process of trying to bring a settlement to the most challenging war across all the countries of the earth moves toward settlement.  The developing settlement...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Seven

UKRAINE DRUMBEAT TO SETTLEMENT Newsreel By James Strauss   As predicted earlier, going all the way to the start of this newsreel effort and after my laying out the real reason the conflict was initiated by Putin, the forces that must be brought together are gathering...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Five

ROMANIA Newsreel By James Strauss   When the war in Ukraine began, I made my first prediction about the why Russia was in pursuit of going after a country that had lain quietly on its border since the fall and breakup of the Soviet Union.  At that time, in this...

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