UKRAINE DRUMBEAT TO SETTLEMENT Newsreel By James Strauss As predicted earlier, going all the way to the start of this newsreel effort and after my laying out the real reason the conflict was initiated by Putin, the forces that must be brought together are gathering...
ROMANIA Newsreel By James Strauss When the war in Ukraine began, I made my first prediction about the why Russia was in pursuit of going after a country that had lain quietly on its border since the fall and breakup of the Soviet Union. At that time, in this...
DELIVERY OF IMPERSONAL DEATH Newsreel By James Strauss The first incident wherein what was considered to be normal competition, competition that not only the builders and inventers were engaged with but the public for the consumption of their products, was in the...
NUCLEAR PHYSICS Newsreel By James Strauss The North Koreans, tiny postage-stamp country (about the same size as Cuba or the state of Pennsylvania), with an economy that comes in with a total revenue stream of around 30 billion dollars compared to California’s 3.5...
WHAT THE RUSSIANS DON’T HAVE Newsreel By James Strauss The Russians have retreated from Kherson in the Ukraine. They were not driven out. They simply picked up their outdated equipment (leaving tons behind) and crossed back into better defended Russian territory...