THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter I

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Five, Chapter I

Los Alamos, New Mexico is about a three-hour drive down to Albuquerque. My wife and I, after a delivery meeting at the labs, had taken the potassium Iodide tablets Dr. Hans Bethe had instructed us to consume and were prepared to take the rest of the pills in the...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XIX

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XIX

Matt pulled a folded-up package from one of the overly large breast pockets of his vest. The special photographer’s vest he’d gone on and on about earlier because of the new store on Del Mar in San Clemente called the Banana Republic. The place catered to men in what...
THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XII

THE COWARDLY LION, Volume Four, Chapter XII

I opened the velvet-covered blue box and looked at the medal. There’d been no ‘pinning’ the medals to anyone’s chest, as I’d experienced in the Marine Corps. The medals and an eight-and-a-half by eleven blue plastic-covered certificates were handed out. The medal was...
Final Sunday Evening, Santa Fe

Final Sunday Evening, Santa Fe

Evening was just about to come on when the sun burst forth and blasted the side of the La Fonda Hotel with brilliant light. The snow, the people, the sun, the buildings, all of it making things appear like there were a hundred or more years ago……

Slow Sábado in Santa Fe……..

Slow Sábado in Santa Fe……..

I walked out to see how the snow was doing. A lot of it seems to be evaporating right into the air. I walked up the sidewalk toward the Catholic Church at the top of San Francisco and then turned to look behind me……

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