From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Two

WE CAN SEE YOU Newsreel By James Strauss   The things that simply blow by us as we try to take in the enormity of pervading news that the presenters, the mass media, pour out constantly twenty-four hours a day.  The New York Times, this morning, published a long story...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty

THE MYTH OF THE LIBERATION OF KHERSON Newsreel By James Strauss   Russia has abandoned Kherson, Ukraine.  The city was not retaken, as has been presented time after time by the U.S. mass media.  The Ukrainian army is repossessing the war-torn city and being received...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-One

U.S. TROOPS MOVE INTO ROMANIA Newsreel By James Strauss   For months I have been writing about the real foundations for the Russian attack on the Ukraine.  The first faints of the attack took place, with Russia striking at the heart of Ukraine in its capital, hoping...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Five

ELON Newsreel By James Strauss   The man is one of the pre-imminent true genius caliber humans of our time.  That demonstrated fact would be hard to deny by anyone, and I won’t go into the examples of his performance that prove the statement.  His genius is...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Eight

TSAR BOMBA VIII Newsreel By James Strauss   Portrayed as the modern day ‘El Cid,’ or quite possibly Teddy Roosevelt, the leader of Ukraine rides into fame, fortune and the good will of almost everyone in the Western world for his heroic opposition to the Russian...