Coronavirus (COVID19) Reflection #63

Coronavirus (COVID19) Reflection #63

Journaling the Coronavirus (CIVID19) Pandemic, Reflection #63 May 16, 2020 What about the trillions? Yes, two trillion ($2,000,000,000,000) on the first ‘save the economic order’ go around, and now the proposed three trillion. Where has it gone and where...
Coronavirus (Covid19), Reflection #60

Coronavirus (Covid19), Reflection #60

Journaling the Coronavirus (Covid19) Pandemic, Reflection #60 May 11, 2020 Airlines and Pandemic A year ago I predicted that the airlines would run into serious difficulties, all of them who currently serve America, formerly the largest and most profitable air...
On the Road Again 2018, Hawaii Bound

On the Road Again 2018, Hawaii Bound

Dateline: July 31, Heading to Hawaii I love to tear United Airlines apart. I’ve been enjoying myself with that diversion, when I travel, down through the years. I think United was ready for me on this trip, however. The plane was half an hour late getting off...
On The Road Again 2018, O’Hare

On The Road Again 2018, O’Hare

Dateline: O’Hare Airport, 3:30 AM Not much traffic at O’Hare, what’s wrong? A guy walked up to the skycap just before me and then stopped, to let me go first. I demurred and thanked him. How nice to start the trip out that way. The skycap was totally...