The Duke, Part Thirty-Eight

The Duke, Part Thirty-Eight

THE DUKE Part XXXVIII Darren followed Star into the home, expecting a party atmosphere, or to hear Elvis singing off in some corner of the living room like had been the case the previous time he’d met him. But there was none of that. Instead, once he made the turn...
Arch Patton, Down In the Valley, Chapter 6

Arch Patton, Down In the Valley, Chapter 6

Arch Patton DOWN IN THE VALLEY Chapter 6 By J. Strauss   “Where we goin’ boss?” Matisse yelled from the drivers seat, as Arch got into the old battered convertible. Matisse accelerated away so fast the huge single door on the passenger side slammed with the sound of...
1993, Arch Patton, Chapter 1

1993, Arch Patton, Chapter 1

Arch was on the beach across from Hanalei, kicking sand, and listening to a small battery powered radio belt out House of the Rising Sun, when his life came apart at the seams. Fired from the CIA for cause, again. Unable to pay for the room…….

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