Praying in the Closet, a Poem by James Strauss

Praying in the Closet, a Poem by James Strauss

  PRAYING IN THE CLOSET By James Strauss The preachers say pay and I’ll be saved, By the time they’re done, it’s my soul that’s been paved How can I get it right with this God, Failing time after time to give me His nod. Yeah though I walk yet all I get is talk,...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Five

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Five

SOSUS I is the acronym of the formerly top-secret array of ocean bottom sound sensing placements the U.S. has maintained during and following the cold war. These centers, many of them were manned, were built to find and follow Soviet submarines no matter where there...
From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Five

From The Wilderness, Article One Hundred Five

From The Wilderness WE ARE LITERALLY STANDING ON THE THRESHOLD By James Strauss The study of physics is the study of the way things are. Those questions we occasionally tussle over when left to contemplate life and its meaning, such as “how did we come to be here?”...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-One

U.S. TROOPS MOVE INTO ROMANIA Newsreel By James Strauss   For months I have been writing about the real foundations for the Russian attack on the Ukraine.  The first faints of the attack took place, with Russia striking at the heart of Ukraine in its capital, hoping...
On the Road Again, Hawaii, February , 2017

On the Road Again, Hawaii, February , 2017

Dateline: Honolulu, Ala Moana Center and International Market Place We arrived in Hawaii yesterday February 8th and spending first morning visiting a few of our favorite shops in these two awesome Venues, Ala Moana Center and The International Market Place The...


What happened in this last election was a bit of manipulation and a whole lot of anger. And it’s all about the Browning 410 shotgun that my friend in Washington keeps in his back closet. My friend is a great artist who doesn’t know he’s a great...


“We skipped the light fandango, turned cartwheels across the floor….I was feeling kind of seasick, and the crowd called out for more….” I have taken the election results harder than anyone in my extended family, anyone I know at work and even...
Your Facebook Persona……

Your Facebook Persona……

What are you writing on Facebook? Are you certain, and I mean absolutely certain, you want to be viewed in the way your are portraying to the whole world? To your family? To your friends? To your employer? To your fellow employees……….

Are You Being Bullied?

Is everyone being Bullied? Dateline: Lake Geneva Wisconsin. How does bullying work, anyway? A rational person would think that every big blustering bully would be turned away in every circumstance by the people witnessing obviously bullying behavior. If that was truth...

New Years Observation

Dateline:Lake Geneva Wisconsin January 6, 2016 New Years Observation The real first snow and GSR of the year. I don’t know why but today is the day when the impact of the New Year made its appearance all over Lake Geneva and the surrounding area. I know because...

In the Basement, a New Year!

Dateline: January  2, 2016 Lake Geneva Wisconsin.     What is the place you make? Most of life is supposed to be about what we make of what is here when we got here and then what we do with whatever the hell that is. I once asked a nun in fifth grade this...

Boxing Day, Political Sparring and such

Boxing Day occurs every year on December 26th. It’s a national holiday in the UK and Ireland. If the day after Christmas falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday is designated as the official public holiday…….

Flight home from Santa Fe

Boy was I wrong. Not about Starbucks in Santa Fe. On a quiet day you can hear that Starbucks suck all the way in Oklahoma. No, I was wrong about that shop being the only coffee joint located near the Plaza of downtown Santa Fe……..

Friday, Friday…..Fun in Santa Fe

John Tittle and his friend Coaster. John wears his shoes without laces because he says they don’t return your laces when they let you out of the ‘facility’ when they pick you up for not having enough money on some nights. Hmmm……..

Wednesday in Santa Fe…….

Downtown Subscription, the coffee shop I almost got thrown out of last visit, but fled when I saw it coming (for discussing whether ISIS and Al Qaida really exist, too loudly). The place is thronged, as it’s about the only coffee shop left in town……..

On My Way to Santa Fe

Berghoffs. Concourse C. Gate 21. United Awful Airlines. Waiting. Salvio gets us all into the Christmas spirit by putting up the decorations, laughing a lot while singing the strangest Spanish version of Silent Night I’ve ever heard…..

What Cost, the War on Terror?

War on Terror? Dateline: Lake Geneva Wisconsin. The world. What happens when the military industrial complex gets threatened? Not by outside forces. It wants that. No, I am talking about inside forces. The forces inside western borders that deny funding. It’s...

Application of Intellect?

The application of intellect. The public cannot be brought into the light unless it can be made to understand and observe what light is. At one time most of the world depended upon systems of hands on education to accomplish….

Possessions Top to Bottom?

Did you really think that some of the population, mostly those that possess most everything, would ever be willing to part with some of what they’ve got? Origins of possession mean nothing at the top end……

Do you “Like” Me… and is it Important?

Like Me? Does it Matter And how does Facebook play into this? Facebook is not about you talking back and forth to lots of people. That is the way it started but then the people who own and operate Facebook met with the bean counters and figures something out……

Black Friday and the Green Bay Packers

Yeah, I know that the phrase came out of Chicago from the police there and it was all about the traffic and congestion mess associated with day after Thanksgiving shopping. Now, it’s not such a negative thing, except for some of us……

The Deer are Here……

Deer hunting season from the 21st of this month until the 29th. They’ll kill 200,000 deer before the 30th. Whatever. The deer have figured out over the years that they need to go ……

More Turkeys to Contend With

Turkeys and other sundry items Dateline: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Let the pre-Thanksgiving work begin! The turkeys have been killed, thankfully by some distant house in some distant land where the thought of chopping turkey’s heads off isn’t something...

Thanksgiving Turkeys and the Holiday

As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches. Two turkeys, as is the custom here in my surroundings every year. One turkey done in the oven with regular stuffing and cooked at 350 degrees until done. Well basted……Second turkey?????

Thought for the day: Prayer, What do You Pray for?

What are you praying for? If you were to pray for someone, other than yourself or someone you love or know really well, then whom would you pray for? If prayer is something you might consider, given that there are so many versions of praying and so many beliefs about...

Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Settling in for Winter

“Settling in for the Winter” November 20, 2015 The land abides and waits the welcome covering of snow to sprinkle down on all fall debris, farm distributed dust from late harvest and all manner of accumulated summer related discards.

What’s Normal? To be Kind?

Is being Kind Normal?

How do we find it somehow in our best interest to be kind?

Is it the coming wintery storm making me so deeply reflective this evening? How do we make it so that compassion, understanding and generosity become the normal staple ruling all communication and conduct……..

Finishing the Visit, Santa Fe, New Mexico

The first blizzard of the winter strikes deep into the heart of Santa Fe. The snow came down for hours, dumping an unexpected six inches on the city and making everyone (except people from Wisconsin and other northern states) skate for cover and the pinon-fired indoors……..

Saturday, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 14, 2015

Saturday 8:45 AM, Santa Fe, New Mexico The clock on the wall in the Plaza Restaurant in the center of Santa Fe, New Mexico, the loveliest capital city in America by far. A real beating heart, the central plaza. Real native adobe architecture and construction styling. Nothing in the city is taller than the church steeples…..

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