On the Road Again 2018, Hawaii Bound

On the Road Again 2018, Hawaii Bound

Dateline: July 31, Heading to Hawaii I love to tear United Airlines apart. I’ve been enjoying myself with that diversion, when I travel, down through the years. I think United was ready for me on this trip, however. The plane was half an hour late getting off...
On the Road Again 2018, New Etiquette

On the Road Again 2018, New Etiquette

Dateline July 31, 4:00 AM, Chicago I am at O’Hare with nothing to do. So, I’m watching the people, many of whom look like they were in that pod science fiction movie. No expression. Sitting outside a gate and just watching. I could write the lyrics to a...
On The Road Again 2018, O’Hare

On The Road Again 2018, O’Hare

Dateline: O’Hare Airport, 3:30 AM Not much traffic at O’Hare, what’s wrong? A guy walked up to the skycap just before me and then stopped, to let me go first. I demurred and thanked him. How nice to start the trip out that way. The skycap was totally...
Reflections From Hawaii, 2018, Whales Again

Reflections From Hawaii, 2018, Whales Again

Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii Aprile 12, 2018 The whales. They are dropping off the brats. I have worked out from the early morning calls and crying of the whales, between four a.m. and dawn, that the big pod of parents and relatives have some close-in pool not far from me...
Reflections From Hawaii, 2018, Off the Grid

Reflections From Hawaii, 2018, Off the Grid

Dateline Oahu, Hawaii April 12, 2018 Off the grid. The constant communications grid, that is. I have electricity, cards, gas, water and the rest, but no television and the newspaper available like some sort of grade school thing. It is night once again. Night for you...
Reflections From Hawaii, 2018, Eeyore

Reflections From Hawaii, 2018, Eeyore

Dateline: Ohau, Hawaii April 11, 2018 Eeyore Eeyore of the Forty Acre Woods, of Winnie the Pooh fame, has nothing on the character that has appeared across from my pool at the abode. There’s a bush over there and it looks every bit like Eeyore, either that or I...
Reflections from Hawaii, 2018, More Whales

Reflections from Hawaii, 2018, More Whales

Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 10, 2018 A whale.  Just one single whale spume, flying up at 6:52 am about half a mile out or a little bit less. What does that mean? That means the whole whale thing is not the figment of my imagination. So, the adventure of the whales...
Reflections from Hawaii, 2018, Nightfall

Reflections from Hawaii, 2018, Nightfall

Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 9, 2018 Last night I was up late.  I go to bed late and I get up early. What is that? Going all the way back to after I got home from Vietnam. Now, I’m not up looking for some enemy who can’t possibly be out in the night....
Reflections from Hawaii, 2018, Whales

Reflections from Hawaii, 2018, Whales

Dateline: Oahu, Hawaii April 7, 2018 Do whales cry at night, or sing, or whatever? I am a couple of miles from pods of passing whales, as they do in large numbers in this part of the world. A beaten rock shore sits right at the edge of my principal abode where I am...


Walking along on a street called Ke Nui in Hawaii, I found myself lost on this back road in a developed area on a small island where it’s almost impossible to get lost. But there I was. My cell would not work, and I was getting tired of walking around in shower shoes, things not meant for hiking long distances.

On the Road Again, Hawaii, February 11, 2017

On the Road Again, Hawaii, February 11, 2017

Dateline: Hawaii February 11, 2017 The coffee bar finally opened and I have a paper cup of Kona Coffee for $4.75. The cup is one of those new ones that is integrated. A to-go cup that doesn’t need one of those little sleeves to protect my hand form the heat. I...
On the Road Again, Hawaii, February , 2017

On the Road Again, Hawaii, February , 2017

Dateline: Honolulu, Ala Moana Center and International Market Place We arrived in Hawaii yesterday February 8th and spending first morning visiting a few of our favorite shops in these two awesome Venues, Ala Moana Center and The International Market Place The...


Dateline: Honolulu, Hawaii February 9, 2017 I was just standing there at the base of the clock on the second floor of the Ala Moana Shopping Center. I was passing time by leaning against the post that holds the four directional facing clocks. I had one hand up to my...
On the Road Again, FREEDOM TOWER

On the Road Again, FREEDOM TOWER

What I wanted it to be. The monument and museum of the World Trade Center. I wanted it to be quintessential American. I wanted it to be the best of what a Walt Disney might come up with or the Hollywood people who put on the Olympics that year……..

James Strauss On the Road Again, NEW YORK,

James Strauss On the Road Again, NEW YORK,

James Strauss on the the Road Again October 2016 New York I am enjoying the press of humanity and circulating among the core constituents of this age old war playing out right now in America’s national election. Oh, not the Civil War, although that is still a...
Paris, late 1990’s

Paris, late 1990’s

I hate Paris. Oh, not the restaurants, the food vendors on the streets or the Louvre. Even the Eiffel Tower and the river are pretty terrific, when it’s not raining or foggy or any of that other French stuff.  No, I hate Paris because of how shitty the airport is, how...
Seattle Experiences….. Boingo

Seattle Experiences….. Boingo

Boingo, Legal robbery of Wi-Fi? Boingo seems to have circumvented and capitalized on loopholes, or is enforcement a thing of the past? Seattle Washington. Boingo Poison. Yes, Boingo. If you don’t know the WiFi company then you haven’t traveled. They are...
Sleepless in Seattle, I Don’t Think So….

Sleepless in Seattle, I Don’t Think So….

Dateline: Seattle Washington March 26, 2106 Seattle, Washington. The Bernie people are all over the downtown of Seattle, getting public hyped up to attend Bernie’s big presentation at Safeco Field tonight at seven. Washington is very much Bernie territory and...
Off to Seattle, March 2016

Off to Seattle, March 2016

Journey to Seattle United Airlines. Up above some very republican state down below. Probably Wyoming, on the way to Seattle. Please don’t let me crash on Cheney’s ranch in Wyoming! United is United except for an exceptional crew today. The woman in front...
Final Sunday Evening, Santa Fe

Final Sunday Evening, Santa Fe

Evening was just about to come on when the sun burst forth and blasted the side of the La Fonda Hotel with brilliant light. The snow, the people, the sun, the buildings, all of it making things appear like there were a hundred or more years ago……

Slow Sábado in Santa Fe……..

Slow Sábado in Santa Fe……..

I walked out to see how the snow was doing. A lot of it seems to be evaporating right into the air. I walked up the sidewalk toward the Catholic Church at the top of San Francisco and then turned to look behind me……

Santa Fe Going to the Dogs?

Santa Fe Going to the Dogs?

What is it about dogs and me in Santa Fe? Now here’s a dog that was laying down this morning and waiting for its owner to wake from street side sleep on San Francisco just across from the main Plaza

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