From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-Two

FAME IN THE ARTS Newsreel By James Strauss It can be difficult to write about some things without other things being ignored or conflated into things they aren’t really.  Fame is one of those things.  The word is almost totally synonymous with sales.  Without fame,...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-One

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy-One

CRYPTOCURRENCY II Newsreel By James Strauss   Several weeks prior to the fall of FTX and Bitfi, I wrote an article about the inherent instability and ridiculous lack of regulation with respect to the entire field of what has come to be known as cryptocurrency.  My...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventy

From The Wilderness, Article Seventy

MAUNA LOA Newsreel By James Strauss   There is quiet risk in geologic events, although such events are seldom able to be predicted ahead of time.  There was little warning around the world when the earthquake that occurred along the seafloor just off of Indonesia...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Nine

PEAK OIL Newsreel By James Strauss   The much-accepted nonsense published by the mass media, fed to that media by supposed experts and scientists of the time (the nineties and early two thousand) held for years that the world was fast depleting its supply of oil and...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Eight

ELON ADDERALL MUSK Newsreel By James Strauss   Adderall is a drug commonly prescribed today to treat ADHD, better known as Attention Deficit Disorder. The drug is widely used to treat this disorder to the effect that fully ten percent of America’s population is using...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Seven

UKRAINE DRUMBEAT TO SETTLEMENT Newsreel By James Strauss   As predicted earlier, going all the way to the start of this newsreel effort and after my laying out the real reason the conflict was initiated by Putin, the forces that must be brought together are gathering...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Six

ELON Newsreel By James Strauss   Elon Musk is beginning to appear to be an unstable genius and, in controlling some of the areas of the American and even world culture, a truly dangerous unstable genius.  This man basically owns and runs the world’s largest...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Five

ROMANIA Newsreel By James Strauss   When the war in Ukraine began, I made my first prediction about the why Russia was in pursuit of going after a country that had lain quietly on its border since the fall and breakup of the Soviet Union.  At that time, in this...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Four

THE BUDGET FOR ‘DEFENSE’ Newsreel By James Strauss   The general public, and that probably includes most of the readers looking through comments like this, generally have no ability to put Finance together with military capability.  The United States, for example,...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Three

STINGRAY  Newsreel  By James Strauss   Automatic driving is coming but much of the public is resistant to its introduction because of negative media coverage (over blowing any accident where auto driving has been involved) and a complete lack of understanding about...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-Two

DARK MATTER Newsreel By James Strauss   Back in 1997 I traveled to Northern Russia to take in the excavation of an entire Wooly Mammoth, buried deep under the permafrost of the Magadan Tundra.  I was a professor of anthropology at Chaminade University at the...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty-One

DELIVERY OF IMPERSONAL DEATH Newsreel By James Strauss   The first incident wherein what was considered to be normal competition, competition that not only the builders and inventers were engaged with but the public for the consumption of their products, was in the...
From The Wilderness, Article Sixty

From The Wilderness, Article Sixty

THE BROWNING EFFECT Newsreel By James Strauss   What is happening with Elon Musk, supposedly the richest man in the world (but in reality, not at all), and the emotional reaction that has caused for the rest of the nation and even some parts of the world. Without...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Nine

THE GIVING OF THANKS Newsreel By James Strauss   The Thanksgiving celebration across America, and much of the world, is all about looking backwards in the present in order to be able to breathe easier and smile on into the future.  The things and situations American’s...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Eight

THE GREAT FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE Newsreel By James Strauss   The richest countries of the world are not as well known, or relative to one another as some people might think.  Who has what when it comes to comparative amounts of asset worth, and there’s no getting around...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Seven

NUCLEAR PHYSICS Newsreel By James Strauss   The North Koreans, tiny postage-stamp country (about the same size as Cuba or the state of Pennsylvania), with an economy that comes in with a total revenue stream of around 30 billion dollars compared to California’s 3.5...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Six

CRYPTOCURRENCY Newsreel By James Strauss   The writer of this article has been studying cryptocurrency for almost ten years, since its inception as cyber currency in 1983**.  In 2006 the word cryptocurrency became popular and with Bitcoin’s creation in 2008 by an...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Five

THE WAY THINGS ARE SHAPED Newsreel By James Strauss   A couple of missiles hit Poland near the Ukraine border.  The hue and cry go up and the fact that Poland is a NATO member becomes the center of almost every news story, quickly followed by the screaming necessity...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Four

THE FINAL FRONTIER Newsreel By James Strauss   America’s mass media was entranced and sucked deeply into the public’s love for space travel back in the sixties.  When the media fell out of love with the launches, landings and performance of the space program and its...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Three

WHAT THE RUSSIANS DON’T HAVE Newsreel By James Strauss   The Russians have retreated from Kherson in the Ukraine.  They were not driven out.  They simply picked up their outdated equipment (leaving tons behind) and crossed back into better defended Russian territory...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-Two

WE CAN SEE YOU Newsreel By James Strauss   The things that simply blow by us as we try to take in the enormity of pervading news that the presenters, the mass media, pour out constantly twenty-four hours a day.  The New York Times, this morning, published a long story...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty-One

PROMISE AND PEGASUS Newsreel By James Strauss   Actually, the word Promise does not apply in this article.  The real word is not a word at all, that promise resembles, but very definitely is not.  PROMIS is the acronym for the phrase Prosecutors Management Information...
From The Wilderness, Article Fifty

From The Wilderness, Article Fifty

THE MYTH OF THE LIBERATION OF KHERSON Newsreel By James Strauss   Russia has abandoned Kherson, Ukraine.  The city was not retaken, as has been presented time after time by the U.S. mass media.  The Ukrainian army is repossessing the war-torn city and being received...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Nine

THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS BALL Newsreel By James Strauss   Today, November 10th, is the Marine Corps birthday, going back to 1775. Why has this birthday celebration become so popular and relevant in modern times.  The Marine Corps, a relatively small military...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Eight

THE ELECTION OF OUR TIME IS NOT OVER Newsreel By James Strauss   This election, the 2022 mid-terms, has been built by the media into an ‘edge of the cliff’ kind of emotional tsunami for almost everyone.  Would inflation worry by the public (mostly fueled by price...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Seven

ROE, ROE, ROE YOUR BOAT Newsreel By James Strauss   As the last day before the coming ‘frightful’ election looms in front of us all, the dark count remains in question.  The dark count, in this coming totaling of election results involves women voters.  The new...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Six

GREAT POLITICAL FINALE Newsreel By James Strauss   The truly great news that will occur sometime on Tuesday of this week will be apparent to absolutely everyone who listens to a radio, watches television or spends time streaming on the Internet.  Regardless of winners...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Five

THE ELASTIC EFFECT Newsreel By James Strauss   Going back in time to the earlier great authors of science fiction, many of them presumed to write about insurrections of earth humans on other planets; those fictional humans living under the enslavement of aliens or...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Four

OUTRAGE Newsreel By James Strauss   The message of today, floating through the political and toxic atmosphere of today’s communications ‘cloud’ is all about extremes.  The extreme gets noticed while the more mundane, normal or regular stuff that life is really all...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Three

BRUTALITY Newsreel By James Strauss   The entire planet of living animal life communicates in some way or another, and that communication involves all the senses that life possesses.  A vital ‘last ditch’ manner of communication expression is through physical...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-Two

WILD VOTING IN THESE TIMES Newsreel By James Strauss   David Brooks wrote an interesting Op/Ed in the New York Times a few days ago. The Times is one of the vast numbers of news outlets that claims that it is liberal while leaning almost always to the right in...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Forty-One

U.S. TROOPS MOVE INTO ROMANIA Newsreel By James Strauss   For months I have been writing about the real foundations for the Russian attack on the Ukraine.  The first faints of the attack took place, with Russia striking at the heart of Ukraine in its capital, hoping...
From The Wilderness, Article Forty

From The Wilderness, Article Forty

REAL ENERGY PRODUCTIONS Newsreel By James Strauss   The rooftops are raised and lowered as the winds of the Saudi Arabian desert are blown hither and yon by the world’s mass media (make that mostly America’s).  The Middle East and oil and gas production is considered...
From The Wilderness, Artice Thirty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Artice Thirty-Nine

PRIVATE MONEY Newsreel By James Strauss   People who have ‘real’ money don’t talk to other people about their money.  Ever.  Unless it is one of the other people handling their money, and then they divide up the management of that money so none of the advisors or...
From the Wilderness, Article Thirty-Eight

From the Wilderness, Article Thirty-Eight

THE HI-TECH SIDE OF WAR Newsreel By James Strauss   A recent near controversy generated by a Tweet that went viral from Elon Musk, the reading and listening world might have missed the fact that some new electronic system, in this case Starlink, might have a vital...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Seven

THE MESSAGE Newsreel  By James Strauss   There is a constant drone that comes out from all media outlets, whether that’s radio, television or even most of the Internet.  The one-way nature of that drone makes it impossible to comment, argue with or make a return...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Six

THE COMING G20 MEETING Newsreel By James Strauss   “Bal Hai may call you,” the song lyrics go. “Most people live on a lonely island lost in the middle of a foggy sea.   Most people long for another island, one where they know they would like to be.” There is a big...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Five

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Five

ELON Newsreel By James Strauss   The man is one of the pre-imminent true genius caliber humans of our time.  That demonstrated fact would be hard to deny by anyone, and I won’t go into the examples of his performance that prove the statement.  His genius is...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Four

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Four

CONSPIRACY Newsreel By James Strauss   We have to go all the way back to the 14th century to examine the origins of the word ‘conspiracy.’  This word, when coined by European cultures back then, was created without negative connotations. It was merely a word that was...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Three

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Three

EIGHT POINT SEVEN  Newsreel By James Strauss   The coming 8.7%t in cost-of-living increase in social security payments, to be effective in January of 2023, is huge.  Not only is it huge to the impact it will have on the incomes of older citizens dependent upon the...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Two

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-Two

THE COMING ANTI-ANTI ABORTION AVALANCHE Newsreel By James Strauss   What you may believe about the practice of abortion, and no matter how might have come to arrive at a position on this wildly emotional subject, the U.S. Supreme Court has brought it right into your...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-One

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty-One

THE LYING SUMMIT MEETING Newsreel By James Strauss   There’s going to be a meeting soon.  A big one.  It’s called the G20 and this group of country leaders (twenty of them get together every year to discuss financial expectations and predictions) can talk about...
From The Wilderness, Article Thirty

From The Wilderness, Article Thirty

THE HERO FROM HELL Newsreel By James Strauss   The New York Times doesn’t kill anybody on purpose.  If only life were that simple and decisions could be made upon such direct and honest, although killing, truths.  No, the New York Times kills Americans using a much...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Nine

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Nine

THE DYING FAILURE OF COMMUNISM Newsreel By James Strauss   The word communism is a word that has come to describe a feared form of government and economics that is the arch enemy of today’s very successful western form called democratic capitalism.  There is also...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Eight

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Eight

TSAR BOMBA VIII Newsreel By James Strauss   Portrayed as the modern day ‘El Cid,’ or quite possibly Teddy Roosevelt, the leader of Ukraine rides into fame, fortune and the good will of almost everyone in the Western world for his heroic opposition to the Russian...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Seven

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Seven

THE UNIQUE TROUBLE WITH DRONES Newsreel By James Strauss   Elon Musk is afraid that the coming of A.I. (artificial intelligence) among machines will be the end of the human species.  Science Fiction stories have been replete with such applied beliefs (think Fred...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Six

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty-Six

  TSAR BOMBA VII Newsreel By James Strauss   It is interesting to write columns and articles as times goes by.  Some of what I write I do not necessarily want confirmed by bigger and more traditional delivery organizations, simply because the sensationalism is so...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Five

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Five

THE MOVIES I NO LONGER GET TO SEE Newsreel By James Strauss   I get to see the Big Chill but can’t stand to be around, near, or watch anything to do with the Rambo series…including the first film called First Blood.  I like the Big Chill because the screenwriters of...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Four

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Four

TSAR BOMBA IV Newsreel By James Strauss   Although I am not a nuclear physicist I was classically (PhD) trained in physics (Quantum Mechanics) enough to be able to understand how the Periodic Chart works, how the micro-world of tiny particles is the foundation of all...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Three

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Three

THE DENSITY OF WATER Newsreel By James Strauss   Water is heavy and dense.  One cubic meter (about three feet on a side) weighs in at over a ton, and water is denser than wood, paper, and just about everything that floats (not hollowed out with air pockets, like ships...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Two

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty Two

ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Newsreel By James Strauss   What are you being fed on this very day, by the news media, by those associated and supposedly disassociated with it on the Internet?  First, and foremost, you are being ‘fed’ advertisements like never...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty One

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty One

From The Wilderness AUTONOMY Newsreel By James Strauss   The word autonomy is not being used in this article, nor by many members of the American Industrial Complex for Defense, as you may know it to be classically defined.  That classical definition is: “the capacity...
From The Wilderness, Article Twenty

From The Wilderness, Article Twenty

From The Wilderness TSAR BOMBA III Newsreel By James Strauss   Two weeks ago, I wrote an article on this newsreel about the potential for nuclear explosive ‘trouble’ in and around the Ukraine.  Two weeks before that time I postulated about the real cause of the war in...
From The Wildernesss, Article Nineteen

From The Wildernesss, Article Nineteen

TSAR BOMBA II Newsreel By James Strauss   I wrote earlier about the largest nuclear explosion ever to receive ignition, Tsar Bomba. That bomb was exploded against the advice of almost every physicist living at the time, Western and Soviet, but it was set off...
From The Wilderness, Article Eighteen

From The Wilderness, Article Eighteen

FORGET GLOBAL WARMING Newsreel By James Strauss   As an anthropologist, now retired from professing, I still attempt to maintain a finger on the pulse about what’s currently going on in our world.  Global warming is a problem, with the reality of that now confirmed,...
From The Wilderness, Article Seventeen

From The Wilderness, Article Seventeen

TSAR BOMBA Newsreel By James Strauss   Why is it important that in the very near future a lot of people have to die?  Why is the anthropoid competition complex that’s overtaken the males of our species led to this ‘death’s door’ of coming oblivion for so many?  The...