Perceptions….. STURGIS, 1993
STURGIS It was 1993, and I was headed from Albuquerque to Madison, Wisconsin. I was driving a 1989 Range Rover with my family. After half the second day on the road we came upon flocks of Harley bike riders going the same way. Tens, hundreds and then thousands of...
Coming Together….
The totality of coming together as a culture only happens very sporadically and with outside forces driving differential elements together like the fuzing of atoms. From the fuzing of atoms come a great release of energy or another form of matter entirely. What is...
Is the Enemy Everywhere…?
Dateline March 31, 2017 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin For some reason I cannot write well this night. I am working on another segment of the Vietnam odyssey, Thirty Days Has September, but came to the river in the bottom of that valley and then lost my way. Not then, but...
Let Him Lead
Let him lead? Really? I mean really? Just where did that question, answered in the positive, ever have a place on the American scene? Did Bill Clinton get to lead, or did he have to fight and compromise on just about every issue?

When the minorities rule. It happens all the time, you know. Minorities, either passing themselves off as the majority in some slight of hand or vote, get into power. And then they do minority things.

The power of America has never been greater and the lives of American’s have never been better. The American military has never been stronger and the economics of the world turns on the power of the American dollar to this day. None of that was true or close...
Pouting. The president is pouting. Over how many people did or did not attend his inauguration. He’s stated unequivocally now that he is not going to release his taxes as he’d promised. That was this morning, between pouts. This nation is about to be...
So what can we do? Oh, there are the protests, and there is plenty of justified bitter vitriol to write and pass on. But, really. What do we do, those of us who are taken aback, feeling left out and worried right down to our cores that the country’s one...
I went on YouTube and found 2001 a Space Odyssey. Then I scrolled until I found that scene where the spaceship was slowly turning in space to align itself with the space station. The Director of that film brilliantly selected a simple waltz called the Blue Danube, to...
Finally, in the Chicago Tribune editorial section, an editorial was featured that has most of us former agents and White House workers cringing. The public does not understand. It isn’t Donald Trump’s tweeting

When Eugene Cernan took his last step, the last step of any man to walk on the moon, it was a step backward. Neither he, nor any of those adventurers would ever have considered that we, as a nation and a species would step back from a forthcoming age of great...
Coming in From the Cold
How does one who comes in from the cold (that’s what spies used to call coming home from a mission) explain to fellow Americans that they live in a perpetual state of blissful euphoria punctuated by bouts of fake fear? How does one, who’s ridden the...
Getting ready? Getting ready for national leadership that does not believe in the advances of science in computers, the Internet, email, or most anything else? Well, Donald Trump rails against all of those things. Get ready for worrying about nuclear war again. Donald...
Getting ready? Getting ready for what you now might see coming but maybe not? The ethics thing was a just a beginning. Ryan is in as Speaker, both houses are republican and Trump is about to become president. So you wanted all those people to lose their medical...
When Donald Trump does something that appears to be good, well, I write about it. I do not think he’s a bad or evil man. I simply think he’s about as daffy as a cartoon character. What did he do? He went up against his own republicans in making idiots out...
Are we looking forward to a Glacial period? America has focused all the attention of this part of the universe on itself and one man in particular. Not a man of the New Testament or Old. Not a man of philosophy or advanced education in any science. Not a man...
Aviation Week and Space Technology is a weekly magazine that every thinking and feeling American should subscribe to.
Why? Oh, because it is a magazine about air travel and space?

HOME IN THE MEADOW, Debbie Reynolds
And so Debbie Reynolds dies too. Her daughter dies and then the mom. For someone old like me, that mom sang Home in the Meadow. for the movie How the West Was Won. That transformation of the old English Greensleeves entranced me as a youngster and it’s lyrics...
Why am I bothered by the loss of Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia? She was the daughter of a giant actress and great crooner plus given just about everything except bliss and happiness. Her book on her life made it to the top of the best seller list. She had it all and...
Why the mass media broadcasts tons of ‘fake news’ and is not held accountable simply because there is no one to hold them accountable. Donald Trump has come closest to being a force to hold them accountable because of the fact that he has tweeted outside...
Here’s a direct quote from the two leaders of the current republican party in a communique meant to go out to the entire nation: “Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind. Just...
Appreciation and reflection. That’s Christmas for those who have a body of life experience and some measure of intellect. Thinking about it all. Life itself, the meaning of existence and, in particular, our place in the social order we’ve fashioned for...
The biggest question of all for the people who voted for Donald Trump, and the very biggest chunk of evaluative data that you can use to figure out who you should have as friends and who you should not. The biggest question is “how could anyone, man or woman,...
Two days to go. 88.67% done with the Christmas shopping and about 67% done with the preparations. I wonder what the percentages are for most other families. This season is both wonderful and trying because it is hard to beatifically celebrate with some sort of dignity...
The news came in waves that day and did not stop as night fell. Their parents were gone. The police had come and the drugs been found and the cuffs put on. Christine knew her parents would not be coming back for some time. They hadn’t been bad parents except when they...
Are we in the center of a Fish Ball? Ho-hum. We wait. Maybe it is just that America got bored. So everyone is waiting until the inauguration so that interest and entertainment can begin. Remember, we are not the far from the public rushing to big parks and meeting...
To arms. Now is the time. Not to fight but to get ready to fight. And you can’t fight with a protest sign, banner or a loud voice. America is a wonderful wonderland of legal weaponry. The right wing has assured that small arms would be available to almost...
THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE, December 19, 2016
Sounds of Silence Dateline: United States December 19, 2016 This night the electoral college of the United States of America redefines sanity, freedom and success in a country gone lame, as it begins to stagger into the new millennium, hurt but still there…....
The other side. My neighbor, a really great guy who is in the investment business, was walking his dog near my house yesterday afternoon between snow falls.

Curdled Cream in my Coffee
The other side. I was at the coffee shop yesterday when a retired doctor came in. He’s a really nice older man and we almost never talk. However, I am known for the Geneva Shore Report newspaper, so he thought it time to tell me about Donald Trump. He feels that...
Duplicity, it overwhelms us through and by the media, as the mass media continues to coddle the coming to America of those surviving great-grand children who escaped from Germany after the World War II to land in Antarctica or Argentina or somewhere. What duplicity?...
Tanzania. Three and a half million years ago. Archaeologists have found hominid footprints not much different from those humans today might have left, as they walked across a soft mud stretch of ground. Those footsteps in mud became stone, and then were buried under...
There are a lot of people mad at me, and some filled with disdain, because I write on here from the heart about what I believe, and it is not what they believe, and others who are simply afraid that I will complicate my life with needless enemies and those seeking my...
B-17 Bomber
Go watch the movie about Jesse Owens running in the 1936 Olympics. It’s called “Race.” You will sit stunned. It was made long before the Trump thing happened. It’s downright eerie. The strange part is how they got the German Nazi part so down...
Is the News declaring Merry Christmas? According to the same news that brought us all the fake news before this last election, preceded by huge loads of fake news about the wars we’ve been involved with lately, the message now is that Donald Trump will just be...
I am trying to face into the storm, to sit on my metaphorical surfboard and stare out over the tops of smaller waves waiting for the big wave, hoping that the coming storm is not the storm of the century and the big wave is not a tsunami. I fight my basal desire to...
Holy Nights in the City of Denver, Colorado, The police there have been confiscating blankets from the homeless under a new law that allows them to take away everything homeless persons possess and destroy it. The new law is to prevent illegal camping inside the city...
To identify what’s wrong with conservatism and Republicanism – and now with so much of America as we are about to enter the Trump era – you don’t need high-blown theories or deep sociological analysis or surveys. The answer is as simple as it...
I helped a guy in Hawaii once. I was helping him run his little bitty but very upscale auto repair shop. He worked on cars I loved, like Ferrari and Porsche. I worked for free and I didn’t even have a car. This guy was a seemingly great expressive and...
Why did we, as a country, choose to ‘toy with the system in here in America? What did we do when we made that decision? What will be the result of sweeping changes that are now going to reverberate back and forth across the country and then the world?

It is always interesting when people reveal their true underlying belief system on social media. There is a coldness that lays there dormant in so many human beings. Is it better that they normally disguise it or is it better if it is revealed to everyone around?...
You simply must go back and read and study some history if you want to understand the damage potentially coming to the world when Trump takes office. The wording of his comments and those of his awful appointed officials is the same as in Germany in the early 30s....
My life in the America I have known will not be going on for too much longer. Oh, I’ll still be alive, for the most part, but the America that so admired and loved John Glenn and then mostly voted for Donald Trump shows the underpinnings of a place I am about to...
Well, it’s pretty much certain now that the new administration coming in will be stacked with climate change deniers and their Fairy Dust Anyone remember back when they had smog alert days in some of our major cities and all that? I don’t know what to...
Why do I have to be afraid of Christians? Because of history. Because life is becoming steeped in a headlong pursuit of going back in history. Because preachers at churches across the land are instructing their flocks to treat non-believers as lepers and those lepers...
Alright, want to spend the night a little sleeplessly? Want to really begin to understand what is scaring the absolute shit out of the people who’ve played with the big boys of the intelligence major leagues? That ‘concern’ that nobody, but nobody is...
JILL STEIN, Just another fraud
Let’s see, a whole lot of people contributed to Jill Stein’s recount effort, thinking she was trying to bring some honesty back to the U.S. election system. She collected around nine million for the effort….

Has the Royal Hawaiian Hotel Gone to the Birds?
For the past 50 years the Hawaiian Islands have been a magnet to me. This week, July 30th through August 8th, finds us enjoying the natural beauty and wonderful people again. Excuse for the trip is really scouting locations for the filming of my new Arch Patton...
More reflection of 1993……
1993 just can’t seem to leave my memory bank. Other events of note in 1993: January 20: Bill Clinton is sworn is as the 42cd President of the United States. January 31: The Dallas Cowboys defeat the Buffalo Bills 52 to 17 in Super Bowl XXVII. February 26: Six...
The Online Banking Ripoff, 2016…….
I have been writing about some banking phenomenon going on across the country of late. I liken it to the luggage fees charged by the airlines. Outrageous? Absolutely, these luggage fees, but at least the airlines tell you what the fees are and what you are going to have to pay…..

Harvey and Habits……keeping a marriage solid?
Harvey the Grey Cat. This morning. Harvey likes the end of the bed while I am in the shower, shaving and all that. He waits so he can approve of my attire for the day. He’s easy because he always approves.

Looking back Inside our Mind
What’s it like inside our minds? Oh, we all know that our cranial container has all this gray stuff composed of crisscrossing nerves and synaptic tissue.

So what is this about a Cat Named Harvey?
Harvey. My cat of 14 years. There’s been some controversy over the ownership (if it can really be called that) of cats who live at home but also run in the wild upon occasion……

Sunday Morning at Geneva Java Coffee Shop
Dateline: Sunday, January 9, 2016 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Sometimes interesting people are just at the next table. Geneva Java Coffee Shop on Sunday morning. This guy and his female friend (Cal Tech graduate in physics) talking about Larry Niven’s first book about the Pak…….

Advent Trees and Star Wars…..
Four days in between me and Christmas. I must finish the fourth and fifth Advent trees today so the fourth will be up tonight and then the fifth I will light up on the 23rd. The first four are all white lights, except for that weird yellow…………