Sitting On The Bottom, Looking Down
Dateline: March 16, 2020 Lake Geneva WI Sitting on the Bottom and Looking Down. There is only one direction to go from that orientation. That light up there, when one can take one’s eyes off where they’ve been directed to go by nearly everyone, is the...
Wonderful Fans and The Funding Of This Journey
This article is a THANK YOU to all of my wonderful ‘Fans’ and an introduction to something new. For the past 8 years, I have been posting my writing as chapters are completed, along with Short Stories and Poems. After the books are completed and...
What is the Largest Airline Market in the World?
What is the largest airline market in the world? Europe? Asia? Africa? United States? Well, if you guessed the U.S. then you were correct. It is not only the largest airline market it is by far the largest. Asia is supposed to surpass the U.S. sometime in 2024 but...
Reproducing Dumb Bunnies…..
Are we growing a nation of Dumb Bunnies? Did you know that only seven states require civics or any kind of study of how the U.S. government works of their elementary school students? Did you know that only seven liberal arts universities in the U.S. require any...
Hello America……
Hello America….. Can we get something straight? I mean really straight, for those who’ve read any history whatever or gone to school and taken any history, sociology or anthropology courses? America was never established, created, planned, designed, born,...
What did I fight for……….Eve of Destruction
I didn’t fight for this. I fought against an enemy in Vietnam that I thought was challenging the right of all men and women to be free and express themselves without being forced to do what a small minority wanted them to do. I didn’t fight for this. I...
Cats, Gardens and Bombs……..
It’s easier to write about cats, the garden and even what’s going on at the local coffee shop than what is going on across America. To watch the mass media portray America’s reaction to its president threatening nuclear war is quite abashedly...
Befuddlement…… That single word best describes the New York hot shot deal-making professionals who came out of the Manhattan sticks to go to war with the Washington D.C. elites and Virginia beltway bandits. They designed a grand adventure. The money was...
What about Me?
What about me? This simple question may actually be the most fundamental behavior ruling question of our time. The entire world is headed toward one single clamoring bid to gain some sort, any sort, of attention. The explosion of communication industry tools and...
Coming Together….
The totality of coming together as a culture only happens very sporadically and with outside forces driving differential elements together like the fuzing of atoms. From the fuzing of atoms come a great release of energy or another form of matter entirely. What is...
WAKE UP AND SMILE, Rid Yourself of Fear
Fear abides, and lays there waiting in all human beings. If you wake up in the morning with faint feelings of unrest and nervousness over nothing at all that you can put your mental finger on, then be aware that you are joined that feeling this morning by most of the rest of humanity..

Let Him Lead
Let him lead? Really? I mean really? Just where did that question, answered in the positive, ever have a place on the American scene? Did Bill Clinton get to lead, or did he have to fight and compromise on just about every issue?

When the minorities rule. It happens all the time, you know. Minorities, either passing themselves off as the majority in some slight of hand or vote, get into power. And then they do minority things.

The power of America has never been greater and the lives of American’s have never been better. The American military has never been stronger and the economics of the world turns on the power of the American dollar to this day. None of that was true or close...
So what can we do? Oh, there are the protests, and there is plenty of justified bitter vitriol to write and pass on. But, really. What do we do, those of us who are taken aback, feeling left out and worried right down to our cores that the country’s one...
I went on YouTube and found 2001 a Space Odyssey. Then I scrolled until I found that scene where the spaceship was slowly turning in space to align itself with the space station. The Director of that film brilliantly selected a simple waltz called the Blue Danube, to...
When Eugene Cernan took his last step, the last step of any man to walk on the moon, it was a step backward. Neither he, nor any of those adventurers would ever have considered that we, as a nation and a species would step back from a forthcoming age of great...
Are we looking forward to a Glacial period? America has focused all the attention of this part of the universe on itself and one man in particular. Not a man of the New Testament or Old. Not a man of philosophy or advanced education in any science. Not a man...
Two days to go. 88.67% done with the Christmas shopping and about 67% done with the preparations. I wonder what the percentages are for most other families. This season is both wonderful and trying because it is hard to beatifically celebrate with some sort of dignity...
The news came in waves that day and did not stop as night fell. Their parents were gone. The police had come and the drugs been found and the cuffs put on. Christine knew her parents would not be coming back for some time. They hadn’t been bad parents except when they...
To arms. Now is the time. Not to fight but to get ready to fight. And you can’t fight with a protest sign, banner or a loud voice. America is a wonderful wonderland of legal weaponry. The right wing has assured that small arms would be available to almost...
Curdled Cream in my Coffee
The other side. I was at the coffee shop yesterday when a retired doctor came in. He’s a really nice older man and we almost never talk. However, I am known for the Geneva Shore Report newspaper, so he thought it time to tell me about Donald Trump. He feels that...
Duplicity, it overwhelms us through and by the media, as the mass media continues to coddle the coming to America of those surviving great-grand children who escaped from Germany after the World War II to land in Antarctica or Argentina or somewhere. What duplicity?...
Tanzania. Three and a half million years ago. Archaeologists have found hominid footprints not much different from those humans today might have left, as they walked across a soft mud stretch of ground. Those footsteps in mud became stone, and then were buried under...
B-17 Bomber
Go watch the movie about Jesse Owens running in the 1936 Olympics. It’s called “Race.” You will sit stunned. It was made long before the Trump thing happened. It’s downright eerie. The strange part is how they got the German Nazi part so down...
I am trying to face into the storm, to sit on my metaphorical surfboard and stare out over the tops of smaller waves waiting for the big wave, hoping that the coming storm is not the storm of the century and the big wave is not a tsunami. I fight my basal desire to...
Holy Nights in the City of Denver, Colorado, The police there have been confiscating blankets from the homeless under a new law that allows them to take away everything homeless persons possess and destroy it. The new law is to prevent illegal camping inside the city...
To identify what’s wrong with conservatism and Republicanism – and now with so much of America as we are about to enter the Trump era – you don’t need high-blown theories or deep sociological analysis or surveys. The answer is as simple as it...
Why did we, as a country, choose to ‘toy with the system in here in America? What did we do when we made that decision? What will be the result of sweeping changes that are now going to reverberate back and forth across the country and then the world?

It is always interesting when people reveal their true underlying belief system on social media. There is a coldness that lays there dormant in so many human beings. Is it better that they normally disguise it or is it better if it is revealed to everyone around?...
Lead Pipes and Rome Burning
Lead Pipes and Rome Burning An outcry against injustice is an opinion! And all cries against injustice are interpreted as just that. If your own cries fall upon seemingly deaf ears it is because of this deep-seated belief. Since every human on the planet is in the...
Veterans at Standing Rock! The Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota and many US Veterans are taking a stand in a nation not known for taking much of a stand lately, about the environmental situation, clean energy, or life inside our national borders themselves. Two...
For those of you considering leaving this great country because is may be in a bit of trouble. It may be in a lot of trouble.
Don’t leave. ..

The abomination of today’s media. The evidence for this abomination is staring us all right in the face every day and could, by next week, lead directly to the end of the great America dream of freedom and liberty….

Mass Media has Challenges?
Just how do you think the mass media is going to keep everyone on the edge of the their seats until the election? They’ve got to do it. It literally means billions to them, and so they go to work…..

Two weeks to go until the world won’t have Trump to kick around anymore. Women, for the most part, will be safer. Mexican’s will not be employed building a wall to nowhere…….

Sunday Morning. The Sunday Morning television show on CBS just isn’t the same without Charles Osgood. I’m sorry Jane Pauley, maybe you are indeed a class act in many ways, and maybe you did get handed a tough one in following Charles, but still. Not that...
Your Facebook Persona……
What are you writing on Facebook? Are you certain, and I mean absolutely certain, you want to be viewed in the way your are portraying to the whole world? To your family? To your friends? To your employer? To your fellow employees……….

Death of Rising Technology
There’s something missing over the past forty years, or maybe a few more. New Technology Are we witnessing the Death of Technology?

The Coming War on Shopping, Soft Targets
When 9/11 went down, now sixteen years back, I wrote an Op/Ed about the potential for terrorists strikes at home that might occur at extremely soft targets. Those targets had the ability, if hit, to stop much of America’s commerce. Those targets, the way I saw...
Are we the disappearing apes? Before the turn of the 20th century scientists knew what had happened to Rome and the Romans……..

What’s Really Real?
Differential behavior when combined with verbal and written communication. The complexity of trying to arrive at conclusions about other people when limited to talk, or the written word, or even in seething them out in life, all prepared to be seen. What about under the thin layers we lay over the reality of our lives?

Steaming Pile of Media Crap just gets bigger! They don’t care. No, they don’t. Not one whit. You think they care, because they really really sound like they care. But they don’t. People you like on television; Brian Williams, Matt Lauer, Anderson...
There are no more ‘facts’ left to report, not if you read the Drudge Report or watch Fox News. They say whatever they want now, with complete impunity.

And they all become the same.
From Facebook, Twitter Instagram, Snapchat and more. They all become all about them and not about you

Tribalism, Technology and Survival….
The distancing of technology and what it means for tribalism and the very survival of the human race.
We cannot make it apart. We live among one another, using one another……….

You Don’t Agree…………
There are people who don’t agree. In fact, that statement “don’t agree” might best describe this United States of America. It’s a nation of don’t agree, a land of different beliefs and a country where argument reigns……..

This thing about pain. Not heroin. Not opiates. I mean real pain. The kind of pain that reaches down inside you and the radiates out so you can’t even communicate properly. Yes, that mewling stuff reducing your from a human being to flopping piece of chicken meat……..

To stop, to reflect, to think…and to rest…
What can we do to feel better about ourselves and about life going on around us, no matter who we are and where we are or what is happening to us? A rare thing to do is thought. Isolated, individual, lonely and very necessary private thought. You can do it anywhere...
The blithering drooling and vapid delivery of American television pounds most of us into some sort of lumpy grumpy submission. News bastions from Fox, to CNN and on into MSNBC and the networks bombard us with solid right hooks from Trump and dancing jabs from Clinton until we all feel like either battered survivors

I get tired of it. The constant drone about the human over population of our world and how our actions are bringing it to an end. Has most of the world forgotten about basic math and geometry? Or didn’t most of the world go to school? Most of the world I experience...
It’s all about the money. Obamacare. Oh, the idea was great and the law well written, except for one part. That part was the part that made no demands whatever on what insurer’s could charge or increase or anything else financially. Expecting American...
Seattle Experiences….. Boingo
Boingo, Legal robbery of Wi-Fi? Boingo seems to have circumvented and capitalized on loopholes, or is enforcement a thing of the past? Seattle Washington. Boingo Poison. Yes, Boingo. If you don’t know the WiFi company then you haven’t traveled. They are...
The Online Banking Ripoff, 2016…….
I have been writing about some banking phenomenon going on across the country of late. I liken it to the luggage fees charged by the airlines. Outrageous? Absolutely, these luggage fees, but at least the airlines tell you what the fees are and what you are going to have to pay…..

Sunday Morning at Geneva Java Coffee Shop
Dateline: Sunday, January 9, 2016 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Sometimes interesting people are just at the next table. Geneva Java Coffee Shop on Sunday morning. This guy and his female friend (Cal Tech graduate in physics) talking about Larry Niven’s first book about the Pak…….